Saturday, September 14, 2013

Progression and Writing Part-Time


About a month ago I set a goal of writing a minimum of 5,000 words per week. My first week it seemed like a lofty goal given how much time I had to work with. But the past two weeks have proven easier than expected. I’ve managed to meet and exceed my goal by about 2,000 words per week.

Years ago, I would force myself to sit down and write. Often it wouldn’t result in much of anything and the quality wasn’t what it should have been. What I’ve found recently is I have to be in the right frame of mind. Simply making the time and using it isn’t enough. Some of my time has been planning, proofing, reading, and re-writing at varying times and places and using an array of devices to suit whatever mood I’m in all in an effort to make sure I’m happy with what I produced. One thing I learned while writing Fate’s Haven was if I wasn’t pleased with a particular piece, whether it be an entire chapter or just a single paragraph, I would often become discouraged with moving ahead.

I’m currently 30,000 words into what I estimate will be a 90-95,000 word novel and I’ve managed to put together something I am pleased with in a little more than a month. I am debating whether or not to put out an excerpt from the first chapter. Onr thing I am learning about publishing is there is a need to have a following before the book is released l. Sort of marketing it and writing it concurrently. I am still not finished but I don’t foresee many changes being made to the first chapter. Have any other self-published authors tried this and had any luck?

Filed under: Marketing, Untitled Project, Writing Tagged: Book Writing, Goodreads, Part-time, Publishing, Writer, Writing